dwight new mask 3.21.20
Hello all. I frequently say, when asked what a shaman is, that they were the earliest healers and counselors of the human race. And, that I try to carry on that tradition. I haven't done much of that the last two weeks.
I have been frustrated by all the classes, workshops and shows that I had scheduled for the next few months that have been cancelled. I've been worried about all my friends and family. The physical isolation is depressing. And...
I am a shaman, I am supposed to be doing my work during this time. I am available for phone calls, zoom meetings, texts, emails. We can do sessions or we can just talk. I can do intuitive feather readings or, new for me, tarot card readings. I'm working of a meditation for releasing fear that I plan to have up soon. I plan to have free/ love offering online zoom sessions beginning this week.
There is much fear and chaos in these days. There are also hundreds of acts of kindness and reasons to hope. If I can help you during this time, please contact me.

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